Nick lazily jumps over the full stack


There are a bunch of mini-projects I'd like to work on. Some of them have already been implemented, and some are just ideas for now. I thought it would be good to make a list of what I've done and what I want to do.

Building the Best Blog in the World

Thanks to NuxtJs, I can write text using Markdown syntax and insert any Vue component into a page without breaking it. I love this combination of freedom and power. However, there is still room for improvement.

Move to Cloudflare Pages. This will convert my blog to the fully Jamstack site. And I already have an awesome idea for a picture for the related post.

Optimize performance. At the moment it is surprisingly low:

Performance screenshot

Move to a headless CMS. Decoupled content and code, handy editor, easy search — that what it's for. But actually, it's just interesting. I'm looking at Strapi, the popular open-source project.

Add comments. I like Remark42 a lot, although I haven't used this commenting engine. I like its visual simplicity, features, clear documentation.

Parts for the Next Bigger Project

As I said, I created this blog to start small. Well, here it is.

  • Procedurally generated professional-looking studio backgrounds.
  • Procedurally generated papercut background inspirated by this pack.

Random Ideas

How to deploy from BitBucket to a remote server via Concourse. This one seems to be less actual lately because there are a lot of CI/CD services with a free plan. On the other hand, I like this software a lot, and as a hobbyist developer, I would like to have my own CI/CD service for free. Stay tuned.

How to reproduce an interesting background in Photoshop. Just a random good looking background from a photo. I already have a picture, now I need to write an article.

Experiment with a pangram as a website title. Ideally, I will make a pangram from my site title (this is what I wanted to create initially). If not, that'll be fun anyway.

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